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//! Asynchronous values.
//! ## Base Futures Concurrency
//! Often it's desirable to await multiple futures as if it was a single
//! future. The `join` family of operations converts multiple futures into a
//! single future that returns all of their outputs. The `race` family of
//! operations converts multiple future into a single future that returns the
//! first output.
//! For operating on futures the following functions can be used:
//! | Name | Return signature | When does it return? |
//! | --- | --- | --- |
//! | [`Future::join`] | `(T1, T2)` | Wait for all to complete
//! | [`Future::race`] | `T` | Return on first value
//! ## Fallible Futures Concurrency
//! For operating on futures that return `Result` additional `try_` variants of
//! the functions mentioned before can be used. These functions are aware of `Result`,
//! and will behave slightly differently from their base variants.
//! In the case of `try_join`, if any of the futures returns `Err` all
//! futures are dropped and an error is returned. This is referred to as
//! "short-circuiting".
//! In the case of `try_race`, instead of returning the first future that
//! completes it returns the first future that _successfully_ completes. This
//! means `try_race` will keep going until any one of the futures returns
//! `Ok`, or _all_ futures have returned `Err`.
//! However sometimes it can be useful to use the base variants of the functions
//! even on futures that return `Result`. Here is an overview of operations that
//! work on `Result`, and their respective semantics:
//! | Name | Return signature | When does it return? |
//! | --- | --- | --- |
//! | [`Future::join`] | `(Result<T, E>, Result<T, E>)` | Wait for all to complete
//! | [`Future::try_join`] | `Result<(T1, T2), E>` | Return on first `Err`, wait for all to complete
//! | [`Future::race`] | `Result<T, E>` | Return on first value
//! | [`Future::try_race`] | `Result<T, E>` | Return on first `Ok`, reject on last Err
//! [`Future::join`]: trait.Future.html#method.join
//! [`Future::try_join`]: trait.Future.html#method.try_join
//! [`Future::race`]: trait.Future.html#method.race
//! [`Future::try_race`]: trait.Future.html#method.try_race
cfg_alloc! {
pub use future::Future;
pub(crate) mod future;
cfg_std! {
pub use pending::pending;
pub use poll_fn::poll_fn;
pub use ready::ready;
mod pending;
mod poll_fn;
mod ready;
#[cfg(any(feature = "unstable", feature = "default"))]
pub use timeout::{timeout, TimeoutError};
#[cfg(any(feature = "unstable", feature = "default"))]
mod timeout;
cfg_unstable! {
pub use into_future::IntoFuture;
pub(crate) use maybe_done::MaybeDone;
mod into_future;
mod maybe_done;