1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
use std::f32::consts::TAU;
use bevy_math::{Mat2, Quat, Vec2, Vec3};
use bevy_render::color::Color;
use crate::prelude::{GizmoConfigGroup, Gizmos};
/// Performs an isometric transformation on 2D vectors.
/// This function takes angle and a position vector, and returns a closure that applies
/// the isometric transformation to any given 2D vector. The transformation involves rotating
/// the vector by the specified angle and then translating it by the given position.
pub(crate) fn rotate_then_translate_2d(angle: f32, position: Vec2) -> impl Fn(Vec2) -> Vec2 {
move |v| Mat2::from_angle(angle) * v + position
/// Performs an isometric transformation on 3D vectors.
/// This function takes a quaternion representing rotation and a 3D vector representing
/// translation, and returns a closure that applies the isometric transformation to any
/// given 3D vector. The transformation involves rotating the vector by the specified
/// quaternion and then translating it by the given translation vector.
pub(crate) fn rotate_then_translate_3d(rotation: Quat, translation: Vec3) -> impl Fn(Vec3) -> Vec3 {
move |v| rotation * v + translation
/// Calculates the `nth` coordinate of a circle segment.
/// Given a circle's radiu and the number of segments, this function computes the position
/// of the `nth` point along the circumference of the circle. The rotation starts at `(0.0, radius)`
/// and proceeds counter-clockwise.
pub(crate) fn single_circle_coordinate(radius: f32, segments: usize, nth_point: usize) -> Vec2 {
let angle = nth_point as f32 * TAU / segments as f32;
let (x, y) = angle.sin_cos();
Vec2::new(x, y) * radius
/// Generates an iterator over the coordinates of a circle segment.
/// This function creates an iterator that yields the positions of points approximating a
/// circle with the given radius, divided into linear segments. The iterator produces `segments`
/// number of points.
pub(crate) fn circle_coordinates(radius: f32, segments: usize) -> impl Iterator<Item = Vec2> {
.map(move |p| single_circle_coordinate(radius, segments, p))
/// Draws a semi-sphere.
/// This function draws a semi-sphere at the specified `center` point with the given `rotation`,
/// `radius`, and `color`. The `segments` parameter determines the level of detail, and the `top`
/// argument specifies the shape of the semi-sphere's tip.
pub(crate) fn draw_semi_sphere<T: GizmoConfigGroup>(
gizmos: &mut Gizmos<'_, '_, T>,
radius: f32,
segments: usize,
rotation: Quat,
center: Vec3,
top: Vec3,
color: Color,
) {
circle_coordinates(radius, segments)
.map(|p| Vec3::new(p.x, 0.0, p.y))
.map(rotate_then_translate_3d(rotation, center))
.for_each(|from| {
.short_arc_3d_between(center, from, top, color)
.segments(segments / 2);
/// Draws a circle in 3D space.
/// # Note
/// This function is necessary to use instead of `gizmos.circle` for certain primitives to ensure that points align correctly. For example, the major circles of a torus are drawn with this method, and using `gizmos.circle` would result in the minor circles not being positioned precisely on the major circles' segment points.
pub(crate) fn draw_circle_3d<T: GizmoConfigGroup>(
gizmos: &mut Gizmos<'_, '_, T>,
radius: f32,
segments: usize,
rotation: Quat,
translation: Vec3,
color: Color,
) {
let positions = (0..=segments)
.map(|frac| frac as f32 / segments as f32)
.map(|percentage| percentage * TAU)
.map(|angle| Vec2::from(angle.sin_cos()) * radius)
.map(|p| Vec3::new(p.x, 0.0, p.y))
.map(rotate_then_translate_3d(rotation, translation));
gizmos.linestrip(positions, color);
/// Draws the connecting lines of a cylinder between the top circle and the bottom circle.
pub(crate) fn draw_cylinder_vertical_lines<T: GizmoConfigGroup>(
gizmos: &mut Gizmos<'_, '_, T>,
radius: f32,
segments: usize,
half_height: f32,
rotation: Quat,
center: Vec3,
color: Color,
) {
circle_coordinates(radius, segments)
.map(move |point_2d| {
[1.0, -1.0]
.map(|sign| sign * half_height)
.map(|height| Vec3::new(point_2d.x, height, point_2d.y))
.map(|ps| ps.map(rotate_then_translate_3d(rotation, center)))
.for_each(|[start, end]| {
gizmos.line(start, end, color);