//! Mesh generation for [primitive shapes](bevy_math::primitives).
//! Primitives that support meshing implement the [`Meshable`] trait.
//! Calling [`mesh`](Meshable::mesh) will return either a [`Mesh`](super::Mesh) or a builder
//! that can be used to specify shape-specific configuration for creating the [`Mesh`](super::Mesh).
//! ```
//! # use bevy_asset::Assets;
//! # use bevy_ecs::prelude::ResMut;
//! # use bevy_math::prelude::Circle;
//! # use bevy_render::prelude::*;
//! #
//! # fn setup(mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>) {
//! // Create circle mesh with default configuration
//! let circle = meshes.add(Circle { radius: 25.0 });
//! // Specify number of vertices
//! let circle = meshes.add(Circle { radius: 25.0 }.mesh().resolution(64));
//! # }
//! ```
mod dim2;
pub use dim2::{CircleMeshBuilder, EllipseMeshBuilder};
mod dim3;
pub use dim3::*;
/// A trait for shapes that can be turned into a [`Mesh`](super::Mesh).
pub trait Meshable {
/// The output of [`Self::mesh`]. This can either be a [`Mesh`](super::Mesh)
/// or a builder used for creating a [`Mesh`](super::Mesh).
type Output;
/// Creates a [`Mesh`](super::Mesh) for a shape.
fn mesh(&self) -> Self::Output;