use crate::render_asset::RenderAssetUsages;
use super::{Indices, Mesh};
use bevy_math::*;
since = "0.13.0",
note = "please use the `Cuboid` primitive for meshing or `Aabb2d` for a bounding volume"
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Cube {
pub size: f32,
impl Cube {
pub fn new(size: f32) -> Cube {
Cube { size }
impl Default for Cube {
fn default() -> Self {
Cube { size: 1.0 }
impl From<Cube> for Mesh {
fn from(cube: Cube) -> Self {
Box::new(cube.size, cube.size, cube.size).into()
since = "0.13.0",
note = "please use the `Cuboid` primitive for meshing or `Aabb3d` for a bounding volume"
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Box {
pub min_x: f32,
pub max_x: f32,
pub min_y: f32,
pub max_y: f32,
pub min_z: f32,
pub max_z: f32,
impl Box {
pub fn new(x_length: f32, y_length: f32, z_length: f32) -> Box {
Box {
max_x: x_length / 2.0,
min_x: -x_length / 2.0,
max_y: y_length / 2.0,
min_y: -y_length / 2.0,
max_z: z_length / 2.0,
min_z: -z_length / 2.0,
pub fn from_corners(a: Vec3, b: Vec3) -> Box {
let max = a.max(b);
let min = a.min(b);
Box {
max_x: max.x,
min_x: min.x,
max_y: max.y,
min_y: min.y,
max_z: max.z,
min_z: min.z,
impl Default for Box {
fn default() -> Self {
Box::new(2.0, 1.0, 1.0)
impl From<Box> for Mesh {
fn from(sp: Box) -> Self {
let vertices = &[
([sp.min_x, sp.min_y, sp.max_z], [0., 0., 1.0], [0., 0.]),
([sp.max_x, sp.min_y, sp.max_z], [0., 0., 1.0], [1.0, 0.]),
([sp.max_x, sp.max_y, sp.max_z], [0., 0., 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]),
([sp.min_x, sp.max_y, sp.max_z], [0., 0., 1.0], [0., 1.0]),
([sp.min_x, sp.max_y, sp.min_z], [0., 0., -1.0], [1.0, 0.]),
([sp.max_x, sp.max_y, sp.min_z], [0., 0., -1.0], [0., 0.]),
([sp.max_x, sp.min_y, sp.min_z], [0., 0., -1.0], [0., 1.0]),
([sp.min_x, sp.min_y, sp.min_z], [0., 0., -1.0], [1.0, 1.0]),
([sp.max_x, sp.min_y, sp.min_z], [1.0, 0., 0.], [0., 0.]),
([sp.max_x, sp.max_y, sp.min_z], [1.0, 0., 0.], [1.0, 0.]),
([sp.max_x, sp.max_y, sp.max_z], [1.0, 0., 0.], [1.0, 1.0]),
([sp.max_x, sp.min_y, sp.max_z], [1.0, 0., 0.], [0., 1.0]),
([sp.min_x, sp.min_y, sp.max_z], [-1.0, 0., 0.], [1.0, 0.]),
([sp.min_x, sp.max_y, sp.max_z], [-1.0, 0., 0.], [0., 0.]),
([sp.min_x, sp.max_y, sp.min_z], [-1.0, 0., 0.], [0., 1.0]),
([sp.min_x, sp.min_y, sp.min_z], [-1.0, 0., 0.], [1.0, 1.0]),
([sp.max_x, sp.max_y, sp.min_z], [0., 1.0, 0.], [1.0, 0.]),
([sp.min_x, sp.max_y, sp.min_z], [0., 1.0, 0.], [0., 0.]),
([sp.min_x, sp.max_y, sp.max_z], [0., 1.0, 0.], [0., 1.0]),
([sp.max_x, sp.max_y, sp.max_z], [0., 1.0, 0.], [1.0, 1.0]),
([sp.max_x, sp.min_y, sp.max_z], [0., -1.0, 0.], [0., 0.]),
([sp.min_x, sp.min_y, sp.max_z], [0., -1.0, 0.], [1.0, 0.]),
([sp.min_x, sp.min_y, sp.min_z], [0., -1.0, 0.], [1.0, 1.0]),
([sp.max_x, sp.min_y, sp.min_z], [0., -1.0, 0.], [0., 1.0]),
let positions: Vec<_> = vertices.iter().map(|(p, _, _)| *p).collect();
let normals: Vec<_> = vertices.iter().map(|(_, n, _)| *n).collect();
let uvs: Vec<_> = vertices.iter().map(|(_, _, uv)| *uv).collect();
let indices = Indices::U32(vec![
0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 8, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 12, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 16, 20, 21, 22, 22, 23, 20, ]);
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, positions)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, normals)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_UV_0, uvs)
since = "0.13.0",
note = "please use the `Rectangle` primitive in `bevy_math` instead"
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Quad {
pub size: Vec2,
pub flip: bool,
impl Default for Quad {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Quad {
pub fn new(size: Vec2) -> Self {
Self { size, flip: false }
pub fn flipped(size: Vec2) -> Self {
Self { size, flip: true }
impl From<Quad> for Mesh {
fn from(quad: Quad) -> Self {
let extent_x = quad.size.x / 2.0;
let extent_y = quad.size.y / 2.0;
let (u_left, u_right) = if quad.flip { (1.0, 0.0) } else { (0.0, 1.0) };
let vertices = [
([-extent_x, -extent_y, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [u_left, 1.0]),
([-extent_x, extent_y, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [u_left, 0.0]),
([extent_x, extent_y, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [u_right, 0.0]),
([extent_x, -extent_y, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [u_right, 1.0]),
let indices = Indices::U32(vec![0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2]);
let positions: Vec<_> = vertices.iter().map(|(p, _, _)| *p).collect();
let normals: Vec<_> = vertices.iter().map(|(_, n, _)| *n).collect();
let uvs: Vec<_> = vertices.iter().map(|(_, _, uv)| *uv).collect();
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, positions)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, normals)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_UV_0, uvs)
since = "0.13.0",
note = "please use the `Plane3d` primitive in `bevy_math` instead"
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Plane {
pub size: f32,
pub subdivisions: u32,
impl Default for Plane {
fn default() -> Self {
Plane {
size: 1.0,
subdivisions: 0,
impl Plane {
pub fn from_size(size: f32) -> Self {
Self {
subdivisions: 0,
impl From<Plane> for Mesh {
fn from(plane: Plane) -> Self {
let z_vertex_count = plane.subdivisions + 2;
let x_vertex_count = plane.subdivisions + 2;
let num_vertices = (z_vertex_count * x_vertex_count) as usize;
let num_indices = ((z_vertex_count - 1) * (x_vertex_count - 1) * 6) as usize;
let up = Vec3::Y.to_array();
let mut positions: Vec<[f32; 3]> = Vec::with_capacity(num_vertices);
let mut normals: Vec<[f32; 3]> = Vec::with_capacity(num_vertices);
let mut uvs: Vec<[f32; 2]> = Vec::with_capacity(num_vertices);
let mut indices: Vec<u32> = Vec::with_capacity(num_indices);
for z in 0..z_vertex_count {
for x in 0..x_vertex_count {
let tx = x as f32 / (x_vertex_count - 1) as f32;
let tz = z as f32 / (z_vertex_count - 1) as f32;
positions.push([(-0.5 + tx) * plane.size, 0.0, (-0.5 + tz) * plane.size]);
uvs.push([tx, tz]);
for y in 0..z_vertex_count - 1 {
for x in 0..x_vertex_count - 1 {
let quad = y * x_vertex_count + x;
indices.push(quad + x_vertex_count + 1);
indices.push(quad + 1);
indices.push(quad + x_vertex_count);
indices.push(quad + x_vertex_count);
indices.push(quad + 1);
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, positions)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, normals)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_UV_0, uvs)
mod capsule;
mod cylinder;
mod icosphere;
mod regular_polygon;
mod torus;
mod uvsphere;
pub use capsule::Capsule;
pub use cylinder::Cylinder;
pub use icosphere::Icosphere;
pub use regular_polygon::{Circle, RegularPolygon};
pub use torus::Torus;
pub use uvsphere::UVSphere;
use wgpu::PrimitiveTopology;