const FNV_OFFSET_BASIS_32: u32 = 0x811c9dc5;
const FNV_OFFSET_BASIS_64: u64 = 0xcbf29ce484222325;
const FNV_OFFSET_BASIS_128: u128 = 0x6c62272e07bb014262b821756295c58d;
const FNV_PRIME_32: u32 = 0x01000193;
const FNV_PRIME_64: u64 = 0x00000100000001B3;
const FNV_PRIME_128: u128 = 0x0000000001000000000000000000013B;
macro_rules! fnv_hash_impl {
($typ:ty, $size:literal, $fn_name:ident, $str_fn_name:ident, $offset:expr, $prime:expr) => {
#[doc = concat![
"Computes ",
"-bits fnv1a hash of the given slice, or up-to limit if provided. ",
"If limit is zero or exceeds slice length, slice length is used instead.",
pub const fn $fn_name(bytes: &[u8], limit: Option<usize>) -> $typ {
let prime = $prime;
let mut hash = $offset;
let mut i = 0;
let len = match limit {
Some(v) if 0 < v && v <= bytes.len() => {
_ => {
while i < len {
hash ^= bytes[i] as $typ;
hash = hash.wrapping_mul(prime);
i += 1;
#[doc = concat![
"Computes ",
"-bit fnv1a hash from a str."
pub const fn $str_fn_name(input: &str) -> $typ {
$fn_name(input.as_bytes(), None)
fnv_hash_impl!{u32, 32, fnv1a_hash_32, fnv1a_hash_str_32, FNV_OFFSET_BASIS_32, FNV_PRIME_32}
fnv_hash_impl!{u64, 64, fnv1a_hash_64, fnv1a_hash_str_64, FNV_OFFSET_BASIS_64, FNV_PRIME_64}
fnv_hash_impl!{u128, 128, fnv1a_hash_128, fnv1a_hash_str_128, FNV_OFFSET_BASIS_128, FNV_PRIME_128}
pub const fn fnv1a_hash_16_xor(bytes: &[u8], limit: Option<usize>) -> u16 {
let bytes = fnv1a_hash_32(bytes, limit).to_ne_bytes();
let upper: u16 = u16::from_ne_bytes([bytes[0], bytes[1]]);
let lower: u16 = u16::from_ne_bytes([bytes[2], bytes[3]]);
upper ^ lower
pub const fn fnv1a_hash_str_16_xor(input: &str) -> u16 {
fnv1a_hash_16_xor(input.as_bytes(), None)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_hash<T: Eq + core::fmt::Debug>(hash_func: impl FnOnce(&str) -> T, source_str: &str, expected: T) {
let hashed = hash_func(source_str);
let bit_size = core::mem::size_of::<T>() * 8;
assert_eq!(hashed, expected, "fnv1a-{bit_size} hash for {source_str}")
const FOOBAR: &str = "foobar";
const FOOBAR_HASH_32: u32 = 0xbf9cf968;
const FOOBAR_HASH_64: u64 = 0x85944171f73967e8;
const FOOBAR_HASH_128: u128 = 0x343e1662793c64bf6f0d3597ba446f18;
fn test_32() {
test_hash(fnv1a_hash_str_32, FOOBAR, FOOBAR_HASH_32)
fn test_64() {
test_hash(fnv1a_hash_str_64, FOOBAR, FOOBAR_HASH_64)
fn test_128() {
test_hash(fnv1a_hash_str_128, FOOBAR, FOOBAR_HASH_128)