use crate::texture_atlas::PreparedDisc;
use crate::*;
use emath::*;
mod precomputed_vertices {
use emath::{vec2, Vec2};
pub const CIRCLE_8: [Vec2; 9] = [
vec2(1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(0.000000, 1.000000),
vec2(-0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(-1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(-0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(0.000000, -1.000000),
vec2(0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(1.000000, 0.000000),
pub const CIRCLE_16: [Vec2; 17] = [
vec2(1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(0.923880, 0.382683),
vec2(0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(0.382683, 0.923880),
vec2(0.000000, 1.000000),
vec2(-0.382684, 0.923880),
vec2(-0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(-0.923880, 0.382683),
vec2(-1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(-0.923880, -0.382683),
vec2(-0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(-0.382684, -0.923880),
vec2(0.000000, -1.000000),
vec2(0.382684, -0.923879),
vec2(0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(0.923880, -0.382683),
vec2(1.000000, 0.000000),
pub const CIRCLE_32: [Vec2; 33] = [
vec2(1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(0.980785, 0.195090),
vec2(0.923880, 0.382683),
vec2(0.831470, 0.555570),
vec2(0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(0.555570, 0.831470),
vec2(0.382683, 0.923880),
vec2(0.195090, 0.980785),
vec2(0.000000, 1.000000),
vec2(-0.195090, 0.980785),
vec2(-0.382683, 0.923880),
vec2(-0.555570, 0.831470),
vec2(-0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(-0.831470, 0.555570),
vec2(-0.923880, 0.382683),
vec2(-0.980785, 0.195090),
vec2(-1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(-0.980785, -0.195090),
vec2(-0.923880, -0.382683),
vec2(-0.831470, -0.555570),
vec2(-0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(-0.555570, -0.831470),
vec2(-0.382683, -0.923880),
vec2(-0.195090, -0.980785),
vec2(-0.000000, -1.000000),
vec2(0.195090, -0.980785),
vec2(0.382683, -0.923880),
vec2(0.555570, -0.831470),
vec2(0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(0.831470, -0.555570),
vec2(0.923880, -0.382683),
vec2(0.980785, -0.195090),
vec2(1.000000, -0.000000),
pub const CIRCLE_64: [Vec2; 65] = [
vec2(1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(0.995185, 0.098017),
vec2(0.980785, 0.195090),
vec2(0.956940, 0.290285),
vec2(0.923880, 0.382683),
vec2(0.881921, 0.471397),
vec2(0.831470, 0.555570),
vec2(0.773010, 0.634393),
vec2(0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(0.634393, 0.773010),
vec2(0.555570, 0.831470),
vec2(0.471397, 0.881921),
vec2(0.382683, 0.923880),
vec2(0.290285, 0.956940),
vec2(0.195090, 0.980785),
vec2(0.098017, 0.995185),
vec2(0.000000, 1.000000),
vec2(-0.098017, 0.995185),
vec2(-0.195090, 0.980785),
vec2(-0.290285, 0.956940),
vec2(-0.382683, 0.923880),
vec2(-0.471397, 0.881921),
vec2(-0.555570, 0.831470),
vec2(-0.634393, 0.773010),
vec2(-0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(-0.773010, 0.634393),
vec2(-0.831470, 0.555570),
vec2(-0.881921, 0.471397),
vec2(-0.923880, 0.382683),
vec2(-0.956940, 0.290285),
vec2(-0.980785, 0.195090),
vec2(-0.995185, 0.098017),
vec2(-1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(-0.995185, -0.098017),
vec2(-0.980785, -0.195090),
vec2(-0.956940, -0.290285),
vec2(-0.923880, -0.382683),
vec2(-0.881921, -0.471397),
vec2(-0.831470, -0.555570),
vec2(-0.773010, -0.634393),
vec2(-0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(-0.634393, -0.773010),
vec2(-0.555570, -0.831470),
vec2(-0.471397, -0.881921),
vec2(-0.382683, -0.923880),
vec2(-0.290285, -0.956940),
vec2(-0.195090, -0.980785),
vec2(-0.098017, -0.995185),
vec2(-0.000000, -1.000000),
vec2(0.098017, -0.995185),
vec2(0.195090, -0.980785),
vec2(0.290285, -0.956940),
vec2(0.382683, -0.923880),
vec2(0.471397, -0.881921),
vec2(0.555570, -0.831470),
vec2(0.634393, -0.773010),
vec2(0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(0.773010, -0.634393),
vec2(0.831470, -0.555570),
vec2(0.881921, -0.471397),
vec2(0.923880, -0.382683),
vec2(0.956940, -0.290285),
vec2(0.980785, -0.195090),
vec2(0.995185, -0.098017),
vec2(1.000000, -0.000000),
pub const CIRCLE_128: [Vec2; 129] = [
vec2(1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(0.998795, 0.049068),
vec2(0.995185, 0.098017),
vec2(0.989177, 0.146730),
vec2(0.980785, 0.195090),
vec2(0.970031, 0.242980),
vec2(0.956940, 0.290285),
vec2(0.941544, 0.336890),
vec2(0.923880, 0.382683),
vec2(0.903989, 0.427555),
vec2(0.881921, 0.471397),
vec2(0.857729, 0.514103),
vec2(0.831470, 0.555570),
vec2(0.803208, 0.595699),
vec2(0.773010, 0.634393),
vec2(0.740951, 0.671559),
vec2(0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(0.671559, 0.740951),
vec2(0.634393, 0.773010),
vec2(0.595699, 0.803208),
vec2(0.555570, 0.831470),
vec2(0.514103, 0.857729),
vec2(0.471397, 0.881921),
vec2(0.427555, 0.903989),
vec2(0.382683, 0.923880),
vec2(0.336890, 0.941544),
vec2(0.290285, 0.956940),
vec2(0.242980, 0.970031),
vec2(0.195090, 0.980785),
vec2(0.146730, 0.989177),
vec2(0.098017, 0.995185),
vec2(0.049068, 0.998795),
vec2(0.000000, 1.000000),
vec2(-0.049068, 0.998795),
vec2(-0.098017, 0.995185),
vec2(-0.146730, 0.989177),
vec2(-0.195090, 0.980785),
vec2(-0.242980, 0.970031),
vec2(-0.290285, 0.956940),
vec2(-0.336890, 0.941544),
vec2(-0.382683, 0.923880),
vec2(-0.427555, 0.903989),
vec2(-0.471397, 0.881921),
vec2(-0.514103, 0.857729),
vec2(-0.555570, 0.831470),
vec2(-0.595699, 0.803208),
vec2(-0.634393, 0.773010),
vec2(-0.671559, 0.740951),
vec2(-0.707107, 0.707107),
vec2(-0.740951, 0.671559),
vec2(-0.773010, 0.634393),
vec2(-0.803208, 0.595699),
vec2(-0.831470, 0.555570),
vec2(-0.857729, 0.514103),
vec2(-0.881921, 0.471397),
vec2(-0.903989, 0.427555),
vec2(-0.923880, 0.382683),
vec2(-0.941544, 0.336890),
vec2(-0.956940, 0.290285),
vec2(-0.970031, 0.242980),
vec2(-0.980785, 0.195090),
vec2(-0.989177, 0.146730),
vec2(-0.995185, 0.098017),
vec2(-0.998795, 0.049068),
vec2(-1.000000, 0.000000),
vec2(-0.998795, -0.049068),
vec2(-0.995185, -0.098017),
vec2(-0.989177, -0.146730),
vec2(-0.980785, -0.195090),
vec2(-0.970031, -0.242980),
vec2(-0.956940, -0.290285),
vec2(-0.941544, -0.336890),
vec2(-0.923880, -0.382683),
vec2(-0.903989, -0.427555),
vec2(-0.881921, -0.471397),
vec2(-0.857729, -0.514103),
vec2(-0.831470, -0.555570),
vec2(-0.803208, -0.595699),
vec2(-0.773010, -0.634393),
vec2(-0.740951, -0.671559),
vec2(-0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(-0.671559, -0.740951),
vec2(-0.634393, -0.773010),
vec2(-0.595699, -0.803208),
vec2(-0.555570, -0.831470),
vec2(-0.514103, -0.857729),
vec2(-0.471397, -0.881921),
vec2(-0.427555, -0.903989),
vec2(-0.382683, -0.923880),
vec2(-0.336890, -0.941544),
vec2(-0.290285, -0.956940),
vec2(-0.242980, -0.970031),
vec2(-0.195090, -0.980785),
vec2(-0.146730, -0.989177),
vec2(-0.098017, -0.995185),
vec2(-0.049068, -0.998795),
vec2(-0.000000, -1.000000),
vec2(0.049068, -0.998795),
vec2(0.098017, -0.995185),
vec2(0.146730, -0.989177),
vec2(0.195090, -0.980785),
vec2(0.242980, -0.970031),
vec2(0.290285, -0.956940),
vec2(0.336890, -0.941544),
vec2(0.382683, -0.923880),
vec2(0.427555, -0.903989),
vec2(0.471397, -0.881921),
vec2(0.514103, -0.857729),
vec2(0.555570, -0.831470),
vec2(0.595699, -0.803208),
vec2(0.634393, -0.773010),
vec2(0.671559, -0.740951),
vec2(0.707107, -0.707107),
vec2(0.740951, -0.671559),
vec2(0.773010, -0.634393),
vec2(0.803208, -0.595699),
vec2(0.831470, -0.555570),
vec2(0.857729, -0.514103),
vec2(0.881921, -0.471397),
vec2(0.903989, -0.427555),
vec2(0.923880, -0.382683),
vec2(0.941544, -0.336890),
vec2(0.956940, -0.290285),
vec2(0.970031, -0.242980),
vec2(0.980785, -0.195090),
vec2(0.989177, -0.146730),
vec2(0.995185, -0.098017),
vec2(0.998795, -0.049068),
vec2(1.000000, -0.000000),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct PathPoint {
pos: Pos2,
normal: Vec2,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Path(Vec<PathPoint>);
impl Path {
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
pub fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize) {
pub fn add_point(&mut self, pos: Pos2, normal: Vec2) {
self.0.push(PathPoint { pos, normal });
pub fn add_circle(&mut self, center: Pos2, radius: f32) {
use precomputed_vertices::*;
if radius <= 2.0 {
self.0.extend(CIRCLE_8.iter().map(|&n| PathPoint {
pos: center + radius * n,
normal: n,
} else if radius <= 5.0 {
self.0.extend(CIRCLE_16.iter().map(|&n| PathPoint {
pos: center + radius * n,
normal: n,
} else if radius < 18.0 {
self.0.extend(CIRCLE_32.iter().map(|&n| PathPoint {
pos: center + radius * n,
normal: n,
} else if radius < 50.0 {
self.0.extend(CIRCLE_64.iter().map(|&n| PathPoint {
pos: center + radius * n,
normal: n,
} else {
self.0.extend(CIRCLE_128.iter().map(|&n| PathPoint {
pos: center + radius * n,
normal: n,
pub fn add_line_segment(&mut self, points: [Pos2; 2]) {
let normal = (points[1] - points[0]).normalized().rot90();
self.add_point(points[0], normal);
self.add_point(points[1], normal);
pub fn add_open_points(&mut self, points: &[Pos2]) {
let n = points.len();
assert!(n >= 2);
if n == 2 {
self.add_line_segment([points[0], points[1]]);
} else {
self.add_point(points[0], (points[1] - points[0]).normalized().rot90());
let mut n0 = (points[1] - points[0]).normalized().rot90();
for i in 1..n - 1 {
let mut n1 = (points[i + 1] - points[i]).normalized().rot90();
if n0 == Vec2::ZERO {
n0 = n1;
} else if n1 == Vec2::ZERO {
n1 = n0;
let normal = (n0 + n1) / 2.0;
let length_sq = normal.length_sq();
let right_angle_length_sq = 0.5;
let sharper_than_a_right_angle = length_sq < right_angle_length_sq;
if sharper_than_a_right_angle {
let center_normal = normal.normalized();
let n0c = (n0 + center_normal) / 2.0;
let n1c = (n1 + center_normal) / 2.0;
self.add_point(points[i], n0c / n0c.length_sq());
self.add_point(points[i], n1c / n1c.length_sq());
} else {
self.add_point(points[i], normal / length_sq);
n0 = n1;
points[n - 1],
(points[n - 1] - points[n - 2]).normalized().rot90(),
pub fn add_line_loop(&mut self, points: &[Pos2]) {
let n = points.len();
assert!(n >= 2);
let mut n0 = (points[0] - points[n - 1]).normalized().rot90();
for i in 0..n {
let next_i = if i + 1 == n { 0 } else { i + 1 };
let mut n1 = (points[next_i] - points[i]).normalized().rot90();
if n0 == Vec2::ZERO {
n0 = n1;
} else if n1 == Vec2::ZERO {
n1 = n0;
let normal = (n0 + n1) / 2.0;
let length_sq = normal.length_sq();
const CUT_OFF_SHARP_CORNERS: bool = false;
let right_angle_length_sq = 0.5;
let sharper_than_a_right_angle = length_sq < right_angle_length_sq;
if CUT_OFF_SHARP_CORNERS && sharper_than_a_right_angle {
let center_normal = normal.normalized();
let n0c = (n0 + center_normal) / 2.0;
let n1c = (n1 + center_normal) / 2.0;
self.add_point(points[i], n0c / n0c.length_sq());
self.add_point(points[i], n1c / n1c.length_sq());
} else {
self.add_point(points[i], normal / length_sq);
n0 = n1;
pub fn stroke_open(&self, feathering: f32, stroke: Stroke, out: &mut Mesh) {
stroke_path(feathering, &self.0, PathType::Open, stroke, out);
pub fn stroke_closed(&self, feathering: f32, stroke: Stroke, out: &mut Mesh) {
stroke_path(feathering, &self.0, PathType::Closed, stroke, out);
pub fn stroke(&self, feathering: f32, path_type: PathType, stroke: Stroke, out: &mut Mesh) {
stroke_path(feathering, &self.0, path_type, stroke, out);
pub fn fill(&mut self, feathering: f32, color: Color32, out: &mut Mesh) {
fill_closed_path(feathering, &mut self.0, color, out);
pub fn fill_with_uv(
&mut self,
feathering: f32,
color: Color32,
texture_id: TextureId,
uv_from_pos: impl Fn(Pos2) -> Pos2,
out: &mut Mesh,
) {
fill_closed_path_with_uv(feathering, &mut self.0, color, texture_id, uv_from_pos, out);
pub mod path {
use crate::shape::Rounding;
use emath::*;
pub fn rounded_rectangle(path: &mut Vec<Pos2>, rect: Rect, rounding: Rounding) {
let min = rect.min;
let max = rect.max;
let r = clamp_radius(rounding, rect);
if r == Rounding::ZERO {
let min = rect.min;
let max = rect.max;
path.push(pos2(min.x, min.y)); path.push(pos2(max.x, min.y)); path.push(pos2(max.x, max.y)); path.push(pos2(min.x, max.y)); } else {
add_circle_quadrant(path, pos2(max.x - r.se, max.y - r.se), r.se, 0.0);
add_circle_quadrant(path, pos2(min.x + r.sw, max.y - r.sw), r.sw, 1.0);
add_circle_quadrant(path, pos2(min.x + r.nw, min.y + r.nw), r.nw, 2.0);
add_circle_quadrant(path, pos2(max.x - r.ne, min.y + r.ne), r.ne, 3.0);
path.dedup(); }
pub fn add_circle_quadrant(path: &mut Vec<Pos2>, center: Pos2, radius: f32, quadrant: f32) {
use super::precomputed_vertices::*;
if radius <= 0.0 {
} else if radius <= 2.0 {
let offset = quadrant as usize * 2;
let quadrant_vertices = &CIRCLE_8[offset..=offset + 2];
path.extend(quadrant_vertices.iter().map(|&n| center + radius * n));
} else if radius <= 5.0 {
let offset = quadrant as usize * 4;
let quadrant_vertices = &CIRCLE_16[offset..=offset + 4];
path.extend(quadrant_vertices.iter().map(|&n| center + radius * n));
} else if radius < 18.0 {
let offset = quadrant as usize * 8;
let quadrant_vertices = &CIRCLE_32[offset..=offset + 8];
path.extend(quadrant_vertices.iter().map(|&n| center + radius * n));
} else if radius < 50.0 {
let offset = quadrant as usize * 16;
let quadrant_vertices = &CIRCLE_64[offset..=offset + 16];
path.extend(quadrant_vertices.iter().map(|&n| center + radius * n));
} else {
let offset = quadrant as usize * 32;
let quadrant_vertices = &CIRCLE_128[offset..=offset + 32];
path.extend(quadrant_vertices.iter().map(|&n| center + radius * n));
fn clamp_radius(rounding: Rounding, rect: Rect) -> Rounding {
let half_width = rect.width() * 0.5;
let half_height = rect.height() * 0.5;
let max_cr = half_width.min(half_height);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum PathType {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(default))]
pub struct TessellationOptions {
pub feathering: bool,
pub feathering_size_in_pixels: f32,
pub coarse_tessellation_culling: bool,
pub prerasterized_discs: bool,
pub round_text_to_pixels: bool,
pub debug_paint_clip_rects: bool,
pub debug_paint_text_rects: bool,
pub debug_ignore_clip_rects: bool,
pub bezier_tolerance: f32,
pub epsilon: f32,
pub parallel_tessellation: bool,
pub validate_meshes: bool,
impl Default for TessellationOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
feathering: true,
feathering_size_in_pixels: 1.0,
coarse_tessellation_culling: true,
prerasterized_discs: true,
round_text_to_pixels: true,
debug_paint_text_rects: false,
debug_paint_clip_rects: false,
debug_ignore_clip_rects: false,
bezier_tolerance: 0.1,
epsilon: 1.0e-5,
parallel_tessellation: true,
validate_meshes: false,
fn cw_signed_area(path: &[PathPoint]) -> f64 {
if let Some(last) = path.last() {
let mut previous = last.pos;
let mut area = 0.0;
for p in path {
area += (previous.x * p.pos.y - p.pos.x * previous.y) as f64;
previous = p.pos;
} else {
fn fill_closed_path(feathering: f32, path: &mut [PathPoint], color: Color32, out: &mut Mesh) {
if color == Color32::TRANSPARENT {
let n = path.len() as u32;
if feathering > 0.0 {
if cw_signed_area(path) < 0.0 {
for point in &mut *path {
point.normal = -point.normal;
out.reserve_triangles(3 * n as usize);
out.reserve_vertices(2 * n as usize);
let color_outer = Color32::TRANSPARENT;
let idx_inner = out.vertices.len() as u32;
let idx_outer = idx_inner + 1;
for i in 2..n {
out.add_triangle(idx_inner + 2 * (i - 1), idx_inner, idx_inner + 2 * i);
let mut i0 = n - 1;
for i1 in 0..n {
let p1 = &path[i1 as usize];
let dm = 0.5 * feathering * p1.normal;
out.colored_vertex(p1.pos - dm, color);
out.colored_vertex(p1.pos + dm, color_outer);
out.add_triangle(idx_inner + i1 * 2, idx_inner + i0 * 2, idx_outer + 2 * i0);
out.add_triangle(idx_outer + i0 * 2, idx_outer + i1 * 2, idx_inner + 2 * i1);
i0 = i1;
} else {
out.reserve_triangles(n as usize);
let idx = out.vertices.len() as u32;
out.vertices.extend(path.iter().map(|p| Vertex {
pos: p.pos,
for i in 2..n {
out.add_triangle(idx, idx + i - 1, idx + i);
fn fill_closed_path_with_uv(
feathering: f32,
path: &mut [PathPoint],
color: Color32,
texture_id: TextureId,
uv_from_pos: impl Fn(Pos2) -> Pos2,
out: &mut Mesh,
) {
if color == Color32::TRANSPARENT {
if out.is_empty() {
out.texture_id = texture_id;
} else {
out.texture_id, texture_id,
"Mixing different `texture_id` in the same "
let n = path.len() as u32;
if feathering > 0.0 {
if cw_signed_area(path) < 0.0 {
for point in &mut *path {
point.normal = -point.normal;
out.reserve_triangles(3 * n as usize);
out.reserve_vertices(2 * n as usize);
let color_outer = Color32::TRANSPARENT;
let idx_inner = out.vertices.len() as u32;
let idx_outer = idx_inner + 1;
for i in 2..n {
out.add_triangle(idx_inner + 2 * (i - 1), idx_inner, idx_inner + 2 * i);
let mut i0 = n - 1;
for i1 in 0..n {
let p1 = &path[i1 as usize];
let dm = 0.5 * feathering * p1.normal;
let pos = p1.pos - dm;
out.vertices.push(Vertex {
uv: uv_from_pos(pos),
let pos = p1.pos + dm;
out.vertices.push(Vertex {
uv: uv_from_pos(pos),
color: color_outer,
out.add_triangle(idx_inner + i1 * 2, idx_inner + i0 * 2, idx_outer + 2 * i0);
out.add_triangle(idx_outer + i0 * 2, idx_outer + i1 * 2, idx_inner + 2 * i1);
i0 = i1;
} else {
out.reserve_triangles(n as usize);
let idx = out.vertices.len() as u32;
out.vertices.extend(path.iter().map(|p| Vertex {
pos: p.pos,
uv: uv_from_pos(p.pos),
for i in 2..n {
out.add_triangle(idx, idx + i - 1, idx + i);
fn stroke_path(
feathering: f32,
path: &[PathPoint],
path_type: PathType,
stroke: Stroke,
out: &mut Mesh,
) {
let n = path.len() as u32;
if stroke.width <= 0.0 || stroke.color == Color32::TRANSPARENT || n < 2 {
let idx = out.vertices.len() as u32;
if feathering > 0.0 {
let color_inner = stroke.color;
let color_outer = Color32::TRANSPARENT;
let thin_line = stroke.width <= feathering;
if thin_line {
let color_inner = mul_color(color_inner, stroke.width / feathering);
if color_inner == Color32::TRANSPARENT {
out.reserve_triangles(4 * n as usize);
out.reserve_vertices(3 * n as usize);
let mut i0 = n - 1;
for i1 in 0..n {
let connect_with_previous = path_type == PathType::Closed || i1 > 0;
let p1 = &path[i1 as usize];
let p = p1.pos;
let n = p1.normal;
out.colored_vertex(p + n * feathering, color_outer);
out.colored_vertex(p, color_inner);
out.colored_vertex(p - n * feathering, color_outer);
if connect_with_previous {
out.add_triangle(idx + 3 * i0 + 0, idx + 3 * i0 + 1, idx + 3 * i1 + 0);
out.add_triangle(idx + 3 * i0 + 1, idx + 3 * i1 + 0, idx + 3 * i1 + 1);
out.add_triangle(idx + 3 * i0 + 1, idx + 3 * i0 + 2, idx + 3 * i1 + 1);
out.add_triangle(idx + 3 * i0 + 2, idx + 3 * i1 + 1, idx + 3 * i1 + 2);
i0 = i1;
} else {
let inner_rad = 0.5 * (stroke.width - feathering);
let outer_rad = 0.5 * (stroke.width + feathering);
match path_type {
PathType::Closed => {
out.reserve_triangles(6 * n as usize);
out.reserve_vertices(4 * n as usize);
let mut i0 = n - 1;
for i1 in 0..n {
let p1 = &path[i1 as usize];
let p = p1.pos;
let n = p1.normal;
out.colored_vertex(p + n * outer_rad, color_outer);
out.colored_vertex(p + n * inner_rad, color_inner);
out.colored_vertex(p - n * inner_rad, color_inner);
out.colored_vertex(p - n * outer_rad, color_outer);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 0, idx + 4 * i0 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 0);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 0, idx + 4 * i1 + 1);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 1, idx + 4 * i0 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 1);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 2);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 2, idx + 4 * i0 + 3, idx + 4 * i1 + 2);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 3, idx + 4 * i1 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 3);
i0 = i1;
PathType::Open => {
out.reserve_triangles(6 * n as usize + 4);
out.reserve_vertices(4 * n as usize);
let end = &path[0];
let p = end.pos;
let n = end.normal;
let back_extrude = n.rot90() * feathering;
out.colored_vertex(p + n * outer_rad + back_extrude, color_outer);
out.colored_vertex(p + n * inner_rad, color_inner);
out.colored_vertex(p - n * inner_rad, color_inner);
out.colored_vertex(p - n * outer_rad + back_extrude, color_outer);
out.add_triangle(idx + 0, idx + 1, idx + 2);
out.add_triangle(idx + 0, idx + 2, idx + 3);
let mut i0 = 0;
for i1 in 1..n - 1 {
let point = &path[i1 as usize];
let p = point.pos;
let n = point.normal;
out.colored_vertex(p + n * outer_rad, color_outer);
out.colored_vertex(p + n * inner_rad, color_inner);
out.colored_vertex(p - n * inner_rad, color_inner);
out.colored_vertex(p - n * outer_rad, color_outer);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 0, idx + 4 * i0 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 0);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 0, idx + 4 * i1 + 1);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 1, idx + 4 * i0 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 1);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 2);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 2, idx + 4 * i0 + 3, idx + 4 * i1 + 2);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 3, idx + 4 * i1 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 3);
i0 = i1;
let i1 = n - 1;
let end = &path[i1 as usize];
let p = end.pos;
let n = end.normal;
let back_extrude = -n.rot90() * feathering;
out.colored_vertex(p + n * outer_rad + back_extrude, color_outer);
out.colored_vertex(p + n * inner_rad, color_inner);
out.colored_vertex(p - n * inner_rad, color_inner);
out.colored_vertex(p - n * outer_rad + back_extrude, color_outer);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 0, idx + 4 * i0 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 0);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 0, idx + 4 * i1 + 1);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 1, idx + 4 * i0 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 1);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 2);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 2, idx + 4 * i0 + 3, idx + 4 * i1 + 2);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i0 + 3, idx + 4 * i1 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 3);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i1 + 0, idx + 4 * i1 + 1, idx + 4 * i1 + 2);
out.add_triangle(idx + 4 * i1 + 0, idx + 4 * i1 + 2, idx + 4 * i1 + 3);
} else {
out.reserve_triangles(2 * n as usize);
out.reserve_vertices(2 * n as usize);
let last_index = if path_type == PathType::Closed {
} else {
n - 1
for i in 0..last_index {
idx + (2 * i + 0) % (2 * n),
idx + (2 * i + 1) % (2 * n),
idx + (2 * i + 2) % (2 * n),
idx + (2 * i + 2) % (2 * n),
idx + (2 * i + 1) % (2 * n),
idx + (2 * i + 3) % (2 * n),
let thin_line = stroke.width <= feathering;
if thin_line {
let radius = feathering / 2.0;
let color = mul_color(stroke.color, stroke.width / feathering);
if color == Color32::TRANSPARENT {
for p in path {
out.colored_vertex(p.pos + radius * p.normal, color);
out.colored_vertex(p.pos - radius * p.normal, color);
} else {
let radius = stroke.width / 2.0;
for p in path {
out.colored_vertex(p.pos + radius * p.normal, stroke.color);
out.colored_vertex(p.pos - radius * p.normal, stroke.color);
fn mul_color(color: Color32, factor: f32) -> Color32 {
pub struct Tessellator {
pixels_per_point: f32,
options: TessellationOptions,
font_tex_size: [usize; 2],
prepared_discs: Vec<PreparedDisc>,
feathering: f32,
clip_rect: Rect,
scratchpad_points: Vec<Pos2>,
scratchpad_path: Path,
impl Tessellator {
pub fn new(
pixels_per_point: f32,
options: TessellationOptions,
font_tex_size: [usize; 2],
prepared_discs: Vec<PreparedDisc>,
) -> Self {
let feathering = if options.feathering {
let pixel_size = 1.0 / pixels_per_point;
options.feathering_size_in_pixels * pixel_size
} else {
Self {
clip_rect: Rect::EVERYTHING,
scratchpad_points: Default::default(),
scratchpad_path: Default::default(),
pub fn set_clip_rect(&mut self, clip_rect: Rect) {
self.clip_rect = clip_rect;
pub fn round_to_pixel(&self, point: f32) -> f32 {
if self.options.round_text_to_pixels {
(point * self.pixels_per_point).round() / self.pixels_per_point
} else {
pub fn tessellate_clipped_shape(
&mut self,
clipped_shape: ClippedShape,
out_primitives: &mut Vec<ClippedPrimitive>,
) {
let ClippedShape { clip_rect, shape } = clipped_shape;
if !clip_rect.is_positive() {
return; }
if let Shape::Vec(shapes) = shape {
for shape in shapes {
self.tessellate_clipped_shape(ClippedShape { clip_rect, shape }, out_primitives);
if let Shape::Callback(callback) = shape {
out_primitives.push(ClippedPrimitive {
primitive: Primitive::Callback(callback),
let start_new_mesh = match out_primitives.last() {
None => true,
Some(output_clipped_primitive) => {
output_clipped_primitive.clip_rect != clip_rect
|| match &output_clipped_primitive.primitive {
Primitive::Mesh(output_mesh) => {
output_mesh.texture_id != shape.texture_id()
Primitive::Callback(_) => true,
if start_new_mesh {
out_primitives.push(ClippedPrimitive {
primitive: Primitive::Mesh(Mesh::default()),
let out = out_primitives.last_mut().unwrap();
if let Primitive::Mesh(out_mesh) = &mut out.primitive {
self.clip_rect = clip_rect;
self.tessellate_shape(shape, out_mesh);
} else {
pub fn tessellate_shape(&mut self, shape: Shape, out: &mut Mesh) {
match shape {
Shape::Noop => {}
Shape::Vec(vec) => {
for shape in vec {
self.tessellate_shape(shape, out);
Shape::Circle(circle) => {
self.tessellate_circle(circle, out);
Shape::Mesh(mesh) => {
if self.options.validate_meshes && !mesh.is_valid() {
crate::epaint_assert!(false, "Invalid Mesh in Shape::Mesh");
if self.options.coarse_tessellation_culling
&& !self.clip_rect.intersects(mesh.calc_bounds())
Shape::LineSegment { points, stroke } => self.tessellate_line(points, stroke, out),
Shape::Path(path_shape) => {
self.tessellate_path(&path_shape, out);
Shape::Rect(rect_shape) => {
self.tessellate_rect(&rect_shape, out);
Shape::Text(text_shape) => {
if self.options.debug_paint_text_rects {
let rect = text_shape.galley.rect.translate(text_shape.pos.to_vec2());
&RectShape::stroke(rect.expand(0.5), 2.0, (0.5, Color32::GREEN)),
self.tessellate_text(&text_shape, out);
Shape::QuadraticBezier(quadratic_shape) => {
self.tessellate_quadratic_bezier(quadratic_shape, out);
Shape::CubicBezier(cubic_shape) => self.tessellate_cubic_bezier(cubic_shape, out),
Shape::Callback(_) => {
panic!("Shape::Callback passed to Tessellator");
pub fn tessellate_circle(&mut self, shape: CircleShape, out: &mut Mesh) {
let CircleShape {
mut fill,
} = shape;
if radius <= 0.0 {
if self.options.coarse_tessellation_culling
&& !self
.expand(radius + stroke.width)
if self.options.prerasterized_discs && fill != Color32::TRANSPARENT {
let radius_px = radius * self.pixels_per_point;
let cutoff_radius = radius_px * 2.0_f32.powf(0.25);
for disc in &self.prepared_discs {
if cutoff_radius <= disc.r {
let side = radius_px * disc.w / (self.pixels_per_point * disc.r);
let rect = Rect::from_center_size(center, Vec2::splat(side));
out.add_rect_with_uv(rect, disc.uv, fill);
if stroke.is_empty() {
return; } else {
fill = Color32::TRANSPARENT; break;
self.scratchpad_path.add_circle(center, radius);
self.scratchpad_path.fill(self.feathering, fill, out);
.stroke_closed(self.feathering, stroke, out);
pub fn tessellate_mesh(&mut self, mesh: &Mesh, out: &mut Mesh) {
if !mesh.is_valid() {
crate::epaint_assert!(false, "Invalid Mesh in Shape::Mesh");
if self.options.coarse_tessellation_culling
&& !self.clip_rect.intersects(mesh.calc_bounds())
pub fn tessellate_line(&mut self, points: [Pos2; 2], stroke: Stroke, out: &mut Mesh) {
if stroke.is_empty() {
if self.options.coarse_tessellation_culling
&& !self
.intersects(Rect::from_two_pos(points[0], points[1]).expand(stroke.width))
.stroke_open(self.feathering, stroke, out);
pub fn tessellate_path(&mut self, path_shape: &PathShape, out: &mut Mesh) {
if path_shape.points.len() < 2 {
if self.options.coarse_tessellation_culling
&& !path_shape.visual_bounding_rect().intersects(self.clip_rect)
let PathShape {
} = path_shape;
if *closed {
} else {
if *fill != Color32::TRANSPARENT {
"You asked to fill a path that is not closed. That makes no sense."
self.scratchpad_path.fill(self.feathering, *fill, out);
let typ = if *closed {
} else {
.stroke(self.feathering, typ, *stroke, out);
pub fn tessellate_rect(&mut self, rect: &RectShape, out: &mut Mesh) {
let RectShape {
mut rect,
} = *rect;
if self.options.coarse_tessellation_culling
&& !rect.expand(stroke.width).intersects(self.clip_rect)
if rect.is_negative() {
rect.min = rect.min.at_least(pos2(-1e7, -1e7));
rect.max = rect.max.at_most(pos2(1e7, 1e7));
if rect.width() < self.feathering {
let line = [rect.center_top(), rect.center_bottom()];
if fill != Color32::TRANSPARENT {
self.tessellate_line(line, Stroke::new(rect.width(), fill), out);
if !stroke.is_empty() {
self.tessellate_line(line, stroke, out); self.tessellate_line(line, stroke, out); }
} else if rect.height() < self.feathering {
let line = [rect.left_center(), rect.right_center()];
if fill != Color32::TRANSPARENT {
self.tessellate_line(line, Stroke::new(rect.height(), fill), out);
if !stroke.is_empty() {
self.tessellate_line(line, stroke, out); self.tessellate_line(line, stroke, out); }
} else {
let path = &mut self.scratchpad_path;
path::rounded_rectangle(&mut self.scratchpad_points, rect, rounding);
if uv.is_positive() {
let uv_from_pos = |p: Pos2| {
remap(p.x, rect.x_range(), uv.x_range()),
remap(p.y, rect.y_range(), uv.y_range()),
path.fill_with_uv(self.feathering, fill, fill_texture_id, uv_from_pos, out);
} else {
path.fill(self.feathering, fill, out);
path.stroke_closed(self.feathering, stroke, out);
pub fn tessellate_text(&mut self, text_shape: &TextShape, out: &mut Mesh) {
let TextShape {
pos: galley_pos,
} = text_shape;
if galley.is_empty() {
if *opacity_factor <= 0.0 {
if galley.pixels_per_point != self.pixels_per_point {
eprintln!("epaint: WARNING: pixels_per_point (dpi scale) have changed between text layout and tessellation. \
You must recreate your text shapes if pixels_per_point changes.");
let galley_pos = pos2(
let uv_normalizer = vec2(
1.0 / self.font_tex_size[0] as f32,
1.0 / self.font_tex_size[1] as f32,
let rotator = Rot2::from_angle(*angle);
for row in &galley.rows {
if row.visuals.mesh.is_empty() {
let mut row_rect = row.visuals.mesh_bounds;
if *angle != 0.0 {
row_rect = row_rect.rotate_bb(rotator);
row_rect = row_rect.translate(galley_pos.to_vec2());
if self.options.coarse_tessellation_culling && !self.clip_rect.intersects(row_rect) {
let index_offset = out.vertices.len() as u32;
.map(|index| index + index_offset),
.map(|(i, vertex)| {
let Vertex { pos, uv, mut color } = *vertex;
if let Some(override_text_color) = override_text_color {
if row.visuals.glyph_vertex_range.contains(&i) {
color = *override_text_color;
} else if color == Color32::PLACEHOLDER {
color = *fallback_color;
if *opacity_factor < 1.0 {
color = color.gamma_multiply(*opacity_factor);
crate::epaint_assert!(color != Color32::PLACEHOLDER, "A placeholder color made it to the tessellator. You forgot to set a fallback color.");
let offset = if *angle == 0.0 {
} else {
rotator * pos.to_vec2()
Vertex {
pos: galley_pos + offset,
uv: (uv.to_vec2() * uv_normalizer).to_pos2(),
if *underline != Stroke::NONE {
.add_line_segment([row_rect.left_bottom(), row_rect.right_bottom()]);
.stroke_open(self.feathering, *underline, out);
pub fn tessellate_quadratic_bezier(
&mut self,
quadratic_shape: QuadraticBezierShape,
out: &mut Mesh,
) {
let options = &self.options;
let clip_rect = self.clip_rect;
if options.coarse_tessellation_culling
&& !quadratic_shape.visual_bounding_rect().intersects(clip_rect)
let points = quadratic_shape.flatten(Some(options.bezier_tolerance));
pub fn tessellate_cubic_bezier(&mut self, cubic_shape: CubicBezierShape, out: &mut Mesh) {
let options = &self.options;
let clip_rect = self.clip_rect;
if options.coarse_tessellation_culling
&& !cubic_shape.visual_bounding_rect().intersects(clip_rect)
let points_vec =
cubic_shape.flatten_closed(Some(options.bezier_tolerance), Some(options.epsilon));
for points in points_vec {
fn tessellate_bezier_complete(
&mut self,
points: &[Pos2],
fill: Color32,
closed: bool,
stroke: Stroke,
out: &mut Mesh,
) {
if points.len() < 2 {
if closed {
} else {
if fill != Color32::TRANSPARENT {
"You asked to fill a path that is not closed. That makes no sense."
self.scratchpad_path.fill(self.feathering, fill, out);
let typ = if closed {
} else {
.stroke(self.feathering, typ, stroke, out);
#[deprecated = "Use `Tessellator::new(…).tessellate_shapes(…)` instead"]
pub fn tessellate_shapes(
pixels_per_point: f32,
options: TessellationOptions,
font_tex_size: [usize; 2],
prepared_discs: Vec<PreparedDisc>,
shapes: Vec<ClippedShape>,
) -> Vec<ClippedPrimitive> {
Tessellator::new(pixels_per_point, options, font_tex_size, prepared_discs)
impl Tessellator {
pub fn tessellate_shapes(&mut self, mut shapes: Vec<ClippedShape>) -> Vec<ClippedPrimitive> {
#[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
if self.options.parallel_tessellation {
self.parallel_tessellation_of_large_shapes(&mut shapes);
let mut clipped_primitives: Vec<ClippedPrimitive> = Vec::default();
for clipped_shape in shapes {
self.tessellate_clipped_shape(clipped_shape, &mut clipped_primitives);
if self.options.debug_paint_clip_rects {
clipped_primitives = self.add_clip_rects(clipped_primitives);
if self.options.debug_ignore_clip_rects {
for clipped_primitive in &mut clipped_primitives {
clipped_primitive.clip_rect = Rect::EVERYTHING;
clipped_primitives.retain(|p| {
&& match &p.primitive {
Primitive::Mesh(mesh) => !mesh.is_empty(),
Primitive::Callback(_) => true,
for clipped_primitive in &clipped_primitives {
if let Primitive::Mesh(mesh) = &clipped_primitive.primitive {
crate::epaint_assert!(mesh.is_valid(), "Tessellator generated invalid Mesh");
#[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
fn parallel_tessellation_of_large_shapes(&self, shapes: &mut [ClippedShape]) {
use rayon::prelude::*;
fn should_parallelize(shape: &Shape) -> bool {
match shape {
Shape::Vec(shapes) => 4 < shapes.len() || shapes.iter().any(should_parallelize),
Shape::Path(path_shape) => 32 < path_shape.points.len(),
Shape::QuadraticBezier(_) | Shape::CubicBezier(_) => true,
| Shape::Text(_)
| Shape::Circle(_)
| Shape::Mesh(_)
| Shape::LineSegment { .. }
| Shape::Rect(_)
| Shape::Callback(_) => false,
let tessellated: Vec<(usize, Mesh)> = shapes
.filter(|(_, clipped_shape)| should_parallelize(&clipped_shape.shape))
.map(|(index, clipped_shape)| {
let mut tessellator = (*self).clone();
let mut mesh = Mesh::default();
tessellator.tessellate_shape(clipped_shape.shape.clone(), &mut mesh);
(index, mesh)
crate::profile_scope!("distribute results", tessellated.len().to_string());
for (index, mesh) in tessellated {
shapes[index].shape = Shape::Mesh(mesh);
fn add_clip_rects(
&mut self,
clipped_primitives: Vec<ClippedPrimitive>,
) -> Vec<ClippedPrimitive> {
self.clip_rect = Rect::EVERYTHING;
let stroke = Stroke::new(2.0, Color32::from_rgb(150, 255, 150));
.flat_map(|clipped_primitive| {
let mut clip_rect_mesh = Mesh::default();
Shape::rect_stroke(clipped_primitive.clip_rect, 0.0, stroke),
&mut clip_rect_mesh,
ClippedPrimitive {
clip_rect: Rect::EVERYTHING, primitive: Primitive::Mesh(clip_rect_mesh),
fn test_tessellator() {
use crate::*;
let mut shapes = Vec::with_capacity(2);
let rect = Rect::from_min_max(pos2(0.0, 0.0), pos2(1.0, 1.0));
let uv = Rect::from_min_max(pos2(0.0, 0.0), pos2(1.0, 1.0));
let mut mesh = Mesh::with_texture(TextureId::Managed(1));
mesh.add_rect_with_uv(rect, uv, Color32::WHITE);
let mut mesh = Mesh::with_texture(TextureId::Managed(2));
mesh.add_rect_with_uv(rect, uv, Color32::WHITE);
let shape = Shape::Vec(shapes);
let clipped_shapes = vec![ClippedShape {
clip_rect: rect,
let font_tex_size = [1024, 1024]; let prepared_discs = vec![]; let primitives = Tessellator::new(1.0, Default::default(), font_tex_size, prepared_discs)
assert_eq!(primitives.len(), 2);