use crate::upgrade::{InboundConnectionUpgrade, OutboundConnectionUpgrade, UpgradeError};
use crate::{connection::ConnectedPoint, Negotiated};
use futures::{future::Either, prelude::*};
use multistream_select::{self, DialerSelectFuture, ListenerSelectFuture};
use std::{mem, pin::Pin, task::Context, task::Poll};
pub(crate) use multistream_select::Version;
pub(crate) fn apply<C, U>(
conn: C,
up: U,
cp: ConnectedPoint,
v: Version,
) -> Either<InboundUpgradeApply<C, U>, OutboundUpgradeApply<C, U>>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: InboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>> + OutboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
match cp {
ConnectedPoint::Dialer { role_override, .. } if role_override.is_dialer() => {
Either::Right(apply_outbound(conn, up, v))
_ => Either::Left(apply_inbound(conn, up)),
pub(crate) fn apply_inbound<C, U>(conn: C, up: U) -> InboundUpgradeApply<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: InboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
InboundUpgradeApply {
inner: InboundUpgradeApplyState::Init {
future: multistream_select::listener_select_proto(conn, up.protocol_info()),
upgrade: up,
pub(crate) fn apply_outbound<C, U>(conn: C, up: U, v: Version) -> OutboundUpgradeApply<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: OutboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
OutboundUpgradeApply {
inner: OutboundUpgradeApplyState::Init {
future: multistream_select::dialer_select_proto(conn, up.protocol_info(), v),
upgrade: up,
pub struct InboundUpgradeApply<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: InboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
inner: InboundUpgradeApplyState<C, U>,
enum InboundUpgradeApplyState<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: InboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
Init {
future: ListenerSelectFuture<C, U::Info>,
upgrade: U,
Upgrade {
future: Pin<Box<U::Future>>,
name: String,
impl<C, U> Unpin for InboundUpgradeApply<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: InboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
impl<C, U> Future for InboundUpgradeApply<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: InboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
type Output = Result<U::Output, UpgradeError<U::Error>>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
loop {
match mem::replace(&mut self.inner, InboundUpgradeApplyState::Undefined) {
InboundUpgradeApplyState::Init {
mut future,
} => {
let (info, io) = match Future::poll(Pin::new(&mut future), cx)? {
Poll::Ready(x) => x,
Poll::Pending => {
self.inner = InboundUpgradeApplyState::Init { future, upgrade };
return Poll::Pending;
self.inner = InboundUpgradeApplyState::Upgrade {
future: Box::pin(upgrade.upgrade_inbound(io, info.clone())),
name: info.as_ref().to_owned(),
InboundUpgradeApplyState::Upgrade { mut future, name } => {
match Future::poll(Pin::new(&mut future), cx) {
Poll::Pending => {
self.inner = InboundUpgradeApplyState::Upgrade { future, name };
return Poll::Pending;
Poll::Ready(Ok(x)) => {
tracing::trace!(upgrade=%name, "Upgraded inbound stream");
return Poll::Ready(Ok(x));
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
tracing::debug!(upgrade=%name, "Failed to upgrade inbound stream");
return Poll::Ready(Err(UpgradeError::Apply(e)));
InboundUpgradeApplyState::Undefined => {
panic!("InboundUpgradeApplyState::poll called after completion")
pub struct OutboundUpgradeApply<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: OutboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
inner: OutboundUpgradeApplyState<C, U>,
enum OutboundUpgradeApplyState<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: OutboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
Init {
future: DialerSelectFuture<C, <U::InfoIter as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>,
upgrade: U,
Upgrade {
future: Pin<Box<U::Future>>,
name: String,
impl<C, U> Unpin for OutboundUpgradeApply<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: OutboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
impl<C, U> Future for OutboundUpgradeApply<C, U>
C: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin,
U: OutboundConnectionUpgrade<Negotiated<C>>,
type Output = Result<U::Output, UpgradeError<U::Error>>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
loop {
match mem::replace(&mut self.inner, OutboundUpgradeApplyState::Undefined) {
OutboundUpgradeApplyState::Init {
mut future,
} => {
let (info, connection) = match Future::poll(Pin::new(&mut future), cx)? {
Poll::Ready(x) => x,
Poll::Pending => {
self.inner = OutboundUpgradeApplyState::Init { future, upgrade };
return Poll::Pending;
self.inner = OutboundUpgradeApplyState::Upgrade {
future: Box::pin(upgrade.upgrade_outbound(connection, info.clone())),
name: info.as_ref().to_owned(),
OutboundUpgradeApplyState::Upgrade { mut future, name } => {
match Future::poll(Pin::new(&mut future), cx) {
Poll::Pending => {
self.inner = OutboundUpgradeApplyState::Upgrade { future, name };
return Poll::Pending;
Poll::Ready(Ok(x)) => {
tracing::trace!(upgrade=%name, "Upgraded outbound stream");
return Poll::Ready(Ok(x));
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
tracing::debug!(upgrade=%name, "Failed to upgrade outbound stream",);
return Poll::Ready(Err(UpgradeError::Apply(e)));
OutboundUpgradeApplyState::Undefined => {
panic!("OutboundUpgradeApplyState::poll called after completion")