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use super::{HandleSet, ModuleMap};
use crate::{Handle, UniqueArena};
pub struct TypeTracer<'a> {
pub types: &'a UniqueArena<crate::Type>,
pub types_used: &'a mut HandleSet<crate::Type>,
impl<'a> TypeTracer<'a> {
/// Propagate usage through `self.types`, starting with `self.types_used`.
/// Treat `self.types_used` as the initial set of "known
/// live" types, and follow through to identify all
/// transitively used types.
pub fn trace_types(&mut self) {
// We don't need recursion or a work list. Because an
// expression may only refer to other expressions that precede
// it in the arena, it suffices to make a single pass over the
// arena from back to front, marking the referents of used
// expressions as used themselves.
for (handle, ty) in self.types.iter().rev() {
// If this type isn't used, it doesn't matter what it uses.
if !self.types_used.contains(handle) {
use crate::TypeInner as Ti;
match ty.inner {
// Types that do not contain handles.
Ti::Scalar { .. }
| Ti::Vector { .. }
| Ti::Matrix { .. }
| Ti::Atomic { .. }
| Ti::ValuePointer { .. }
| Ti::Image { .. }
| Ti::Sampler { .. }
| Ti::AccelerationStructure
| Ti::RayQuery => {}
// Types that do contain handles.
Ti::Pointer { base, space: _ }
| Ti::Array {
size: _,
stride: _,
| Ti::BindingArray { base, size: _ } => self.types_used.insert(base),
Ti::Struct {
ref members,
span: _,
} => {
self.types_used.insert_iter(members.iter().map(|m| m.ty));
impl ModuleMap {
pub fn adjust_type(&self, ty: &mut crate::Type) {
let adjust = |ty: &mut Handle<crate::Type>| self.types.adjust(ty);
use crate::TypeInner as Ti;
match ty.inner {
// Types that do not contain handles.
| Ti::Vector { .. }
| Ti::Matrix { .. }
| Ti::Atomic(_)
| Ti::ValuePointer { .. }
| Ti::Image { .. }
| Ti::Sampler { .. }
| Ti::AccelerationStructure
| Ti::RayQuery => {}
// Types that do contain handles.
Ti::Pointer {
ref mut base,
space: _,
} => adjust(base),
Ti::Array {
ref mut base,
size: _,
stride: _,
} => adjust(base),
Ti::Struct {
ref mut members,
span: _,
} => {
for member in members {
self.types.adjust(&mut member.ty);
Ti::BindingArray {
ref mut base,
size: _,
} => {