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//! Miscellaneous protocols
#![cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
#[cfg(feature = "staging")]
pub mod idle_notify {
//! This protocol allows clients to monitor user idle status.
pub mod v1 {
#[cfg(feature = "staging")]
pub mod session_lock {
//! This protocol allows for a privileged Wayland client to lock the session
//! and display arbitrary graphics while the session is locked.
//! The compositor may choose to restrict this protocol to a special client
//! launched by the compositor itself or expose it to all privileged clients,
//! this is compositor policy.
//! The client is responsible for performing authentication and informing the
//! compositor when the session should be unlocked. If the client dies while
//! the session is locked the session remains locked, possibly permanently
//! depending on compositor policy.
pub mod v1 {
#[cfg(feature = "staging")]
pub mod foreign_toplevel_list {
//! The purpose of this protocol is to provide protocol object handles for toplevels, possibly
//! originating from another client.
//! This protocol is intentionally minimalistic and expects additional functionality (e.g.
//! creating a screencopy source from a toplevel handle, getting information about the state of
//! the toplevel) to be implemented in extension protocols.
//! The compositor may choose to restrict this protocol to a special client launched by the
//! compositor itself or expose it to all clients, this is compositor policy.
pub mod v1 {
#[cfg(feature = "staging")]
pub mod transient_seat {
//! The transient seat protocol can be used by privileged clients to create
//! independent seats that will be removed from the compositor when the client
//! destroys its transient seat.
//! This protocol is intended for use with virtual input protocols such as
//! "virtual_keyboard_unstable_v1" or "wlr_virtual_pointer_unstable_v1", both
//! of which allow the user to select a seat.
//! The "wl_seat" global created by this protocol does not generate input events
//! on its own, or have any capabilities except those assigned to it by other
//! protocol extensions, such as the ones mentioned above.
//! For example, a remote desktop server can create a seat with virtual inputs
//! for each remote user by following these steps for each new connection:
//! * Create a transient seat
//! * Wait for the transient seat to be created
//! * Locate a "wl_seat" global with a matching name
//! * Create virtual inputs using the resulting "wl_seat" global
pub mod v1 {