Type Alias wgpu::core::device::DeviceDescriptor

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pub type DeviceDescriptor<'a> = DeviceDescriptor<Option<Cow<'a, str>>>;

Aliased Type§

struct DeviceDescriptor<'a> {
    pub label: Option<Cow<'a, str>>,
    pub required_features: Features,
    pub required_limits: Limits,


§label: Option<Cow<'a, str>>

Debug label for the device.

§required_features: Features

Specifies the features that are required by the device request. The request will fail if the adapter cannot provide these features.

Exactly the specified set of features, and no more or less, will be allowed in validation of API calls on the resulting device.

§required_limits: Limits

Specifies the limits that are required by the device request. The request will fail if the adapter cannot provide these limits.

Exactly the specified limits, and no better or worse, will be allowed in validation of API calls on the resulting device.