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Run a prepass before the main pass to generate depth, normals, and/or motion vectors textures, sometimes called a thin g-buffer. These textures are useful for various screen-space effects and reducing overdraw in the main pass.

The prepass only runs for opaque meshes or meshes with an alpha mask. Transparent meshes are ignored.

To enable the prepass, you need to add a prepass component to a crate::prelude::Camera3d.

DepthPrepass NormalPrepass MotionVectorPrepass

The textures are automatically added to the default mesh view bindings. You can also get the raw textures by querying the ViewPrepassTextures component on any camera with a prepass component.

The depth prepass will always run and generate the depth buffer as a side effect, but it won’t copy it to a separate texture unless the DepthPrepass is activated. This means that if any prepass component is present it will always create a depth buffer that will be used by the main pass.

When using the default mesh view bindings you should be able to use prepass_depth(), prepass_normal(), and prepass_motion_vector() to load the related textures. These functions are defined in bevy_pbr::prepass_utils. See the shader_prepass example that shows how to use them.

The prepass runs for each Material. You can control if the prepass should run per-material by setting the prepass_enabled flag on the MaterialPlugin.

Currently only works for 3D.


