pub fn calculate_bounds_2d(
    commands: Commands<'_, '_>,
    meshes: Res<'_, Assets<Mesh>>,
    images: Res<'_, Assets<Image>>,
    atlases: Res<'_, Assets<TextureAtlasLayout>>,
    meshes_without_aabb: Query<'_, '_, (Entity, &Mesh2dHandle), (Without<Aabb>, Without<NoFrustumCulling>)>,
    sprites_to_recalculate_aabb: Query<'_, '_, (Entity, &Sprite, &Handle<Image>, Option<&TextureAtlas>), (Or<(Without<Aabb>, Changed<Sprite>, Changed<TextureAtlas>)>, Without<NoFrustumCulling>)>
Expand description

System calculating and inserting an Aabb component to entities with either:

  • a Mesh2dHandle component,
  • a Sprite and Handle<Image> components, and without a NoFrustumCulling component.

Used in system set VisibilitySystems::CalculateBounds.