Trait khronos_egl::api::EGL1_0

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pub unsafe trait EGL1_0 {
Show 24 methods // Required methods unsafe fn eglChooseConfig( &self, display: EGLDisplay, attrib_list: *const Int, configs: *mut EGLConfig, config_size: Int, num_config: *mut Int ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglCopyBuffers( &self, display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface, target: NativePixmapType ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglCreateContext( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, share_context: EGLContext, attrib_list: *const Int ) -> EGLContext; unsafe fn eglCreatePbufferSurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, attrib_list: *const Int ) -> EGLSurface; unsafe fn eglCreatePixmapSurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, pixmap: NativePixmapType, attrib_list: *const Int ) -> EGLSurface; unsafe fn eglCreateWindowSurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, win: NativeWindowType, attrib_list: *const Int ) -> EGLSurface; unsafe fn eglDestroyContext( &self, display: EGLDisplay, ctx: EGLContext ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglDestroySurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglGetConfigAttrib( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, attribute: Int, value: *mut Int ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglGetConfigs( &self, display: EGLDisplay, configs: *mut EGLConfig, config_size: Int, num_config: *mut Int ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglGetCurrentDisplay(&self) -> EGLDisplay; unsafe fn eglGetCurrentSurface(&self, readdraw: Int) -> EGLSurface; unsafe fn eglGetDisplay(&self, display_id: NativeDisplayType) -> EGLDisplay; unsafe fn eglGetError(&self) -> Int; unsafe fn eglGetProcAddress( &self, procname: *const c_char ) -> extern "system" fn(); unsafe fn eglInitialize( &self, display: EGLDisplay, major: *mut Int, minor: *mut Int ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglMakeCurrent( &self, display: EGLDisplay, draw: EGLSurface, read: EGLSurface, ctx: EGLContext ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglQueryContext( &self, display: EGLDisplay, ctx: EGLContext, attribute: Int, value: *mut Int ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglQueryString( &self, display: EGLDisplay, name: Int ) -> *const c_char; unsafe fn eglQuerySurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface, attribute: Int, value: *mut Int ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglSwapBuffers( &self, display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface ) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglTerminate(&self, display: EGLDisplay) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglWaitGL(&self) -> Boolean; unsafe fn eglWaitNative(&self, engine: Int) -> Boolean;
Expand description

EGL API interface.

An implementation of this trait can be used to create an Instance.

This crate provides two implementation of this trait:

  • [Static] which is available with the static feature enabled, defined by statically linking to the EGL library at compile time.
  • Dynamic which is available with the dynamic feature enabled, defined by dynamically linking to the EGL library at runtime. In this case, you may prefer to directly use the DynamicInstance type.

Required Methods§


unsafe fn eglChooseConfig( &self, display: EGLDisplay, attrib_list: *const Int, configs: *mut EGLConfig, config_size: Int, num_config: *mut Int ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglCopyBuffers( &self, display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface, target: NativePixmapType ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglCreateContext( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, share_context: EGLContext, attrib_list: *const Int ) -> EGLContext


unsafe fn eglCreatePbufferSurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, attrib_list: *const Int ) -> EGLSurface


unsafe fn eglCreatePixmapSurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, pixmap: NativePixmapType, attrib_list: *const Int ) -> EGLSurface


unsafe fn eglCreateWindowSurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, win: NativeWindowType, attrib_list: *const Int ) -> EGLSurface


unsafe fn eglDestroyContext( &self, display: EGLDisplay, ctx: EGLContext ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglDestroySurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglGetConfigAttrib( &self, display: EGLDisplay, config: EGLConfig, attribute: Int, value: *mut Int ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglGetConfigs( &self, display: EGLDisplay, configs: *mut EGLConfig, config_size: Int, num_config: *mut Int ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglGetCurrentDisplay(&self) -> EGLDisplay


unsafe fn eglGetCurrentSurface(&self, readdraw: Int) -> EGLSurface


unsafe fn eglGetDisplay(&self, display_id: NativeDisplayType) -> EGLDisplay


unsafe fn eglGetError(&self) -> Int


unsafe fn eglGetProcAddress( &self, procname: *const c_char ) -> extern "system" fn()


unsafe fn eglInitialize( &self, display: EGLDisplay, major: *mut Int, minor: *mut Int ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglMakeCurrent( &self, display: EGLDisplay, draw: EGLSurface, read: EGLSurface, ctx: EGLContext ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglQueryContext( &self, display: EGLDisplay, ctx: EGLContext, attribute: Int, value: *mut Int ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglQueryString(&self, display: EGLDisplay, name: Int) -> *const c_char


unsafe fn eglQuerySurface( &self, display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface, attribute: Int, value: *mut Int ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglSwapBuffers( &self, display: EGLDisplay, surface: EGLSurface ) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglTerminate(&self, display: EGLDisplay) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglWaitGL(&self) -> Boolean


unsafe fn eglWaitNative(&self, engine: Int) -> Boolean
