pub trait ConnectionHandler: Send + 'static {
    type FromBehaviour: Debug + Send + 'static;
    type ToBehaviour: Debug + Send + 'static;
    type InboundProtocol: InboundUpgradeSend;
    type OutboundProtocol: OutboundUpgradeSend;
    type InboundOpenInfo: Send + 'static;
    type OutboundOpenInfo: Send + 'static;

    // Required methods
    fn listen_protocol(
    ) -> SubstreamProtocol<Self::InboundProtocol, Self::InboundOpenInfo>;
    fn poll(
        &mut self,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>
    ) -> Poll<ConnectionHandlerEvent<Self::OutboundProtocol, Self::OutboundOpenInfo, Self::ToBehaviour>>;
    fn on_behaviour_event(&mut self, _event: Self::FromBehaviour);
    fn on_connection_event(
        &mut self,
        event: ConnectionEvent<'_, Self::InboundProtocol, Self::OutboundProtocol, Self::InboundOpenInfo, Self::OutboundOpenInfo>

    // Provided methods
    fn connection_keep_alive(&self) -> bool { ... }
    fn poll_close(
        &mut self,
        _: &mut Context<'_>
    ) -> Poll<Option<Self::ToBehaviour>> { ... }
    fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(
        map: TMap
    ) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap>
       where Self: Sized,
             TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::FromBehaviour> { ... }
    fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap>
       where Self: Sized,
             TMap: FnMut(Self::ToBehaviour) -> TNewOut { ... }
    fn select<TProto2>(
        other: TProto2
    ) -> ConnectionHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>
       where Self: Sized { ... }
Expand description

A handler for a set of protocols used on a connection with a remote.

This trait should be implemented for a type that maintains the state for the execution of a specific protocol with a remote.

Handling a protocol

Communication with a remote over a set of protocols is initiated in one of two ways:

  1. Dialing by initiating a new outbound substream. In order to do so, ConnectionHandler::poll() must return an ConnectionHandlerEvent::OutboundSubstreamRequest, providing an instance of libp2p_core::upgrade::OutboundUpgrade that is used to negotiate the protocol(s). Upon success, ConnectionHandler::on_connection_event is called with ConnectionEvent::FullyNegotiatedOutbound translating the final output of the upgrade.

  2. Listening by accepting a new inbound substream. When a new inbound substream is created on a connection, ConnectionHandler::listen_protocol is called to obtain an instance of libp2p_core::upgrade::InboundUpgrade that is used to negotiate the protocol(s). Upon success, ConnectionHandler::on_connection_event is called with ConnectionEvent::FullyNegotiatedInbound translating the final output of the upgrade.

Connection Keep-Alive

A ConnectionHandler can influence the lifetime of the underlying connection through ConnectionHandler::connection_keep_alive. That is, the protocol implemented by the handler can include conditions for terminating the connection. The lifetime of successfully negotiated substreams is fully controlled by the handler.

Implementors of this trait should keep in mind that the connection can be closed at any time. When a connection is closed gracefully, the substreams used by the handler may still continue reading data until the remote closes its side of the connection.

Required Associated Types§


type FromBehaviour: Debug + Send + 'static

A type representing the message(s) a NetworkBehaviour can send to a ConnectionHandler via ToSwarm::NotifyHandler


type ToBehaviour: Debug + Send + 'static

A type representing message(s) a ConnectionHandler can send to a NetworkBehaviour via ConnectionHandlerEvent::NotifyBehaviour.


type InboundProtocol: InboundUpgradeSend

The inbound upgrade for the protocol(s) used by the handler.


type OutboundProtocol: OutboundUpgradeSend

The outbound upgrade for the protocol(s) used by the handler.


type InboundOpenInfo: Send + 'static

The type of additional information returned from listen_protocol.


type OutboundOpenInfo: Send + 'static

The type of additional information passed to an OutboundSubstreamRequest.

Required Methods§


fn listen_protocol( &self ) -> SubstreamProtocol<Self::InboundProtocol, Self::InboundOpenInfo>

The InboundUpgrade to apply on inbound substreams to negotiate the desired protocols.

Note: The returned InboundUpgrade should always accept all the generally supported protocols, even if in a specific context a particular one is not supported, (eg. when only allowing one substream at a time for a protocol). This allows a remote to put the list of supported protocols in a cache.


fn poll( &mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_> ) -> Poll<ConnectionHandlerEvent<Self::OutboundProtocol, Self::OutboundOpenInfo, Self::ToBehaviour>>

Should behave like Stream::poll().


fn on_behaviour_event(&mut self, _event: Self::FromBehaviour)

Informs the handler about an event from the NetworkBehaviour.


fn on_connection_event( &mut self, event: ConnectionEvent<'_, Self::InboundProtocol, Self::OutboundProtocol, Self::InboundOpenInfo, Self::OutboundOpenInfo> )

Provided Methods§


fn connection_keep_alive(&self) -> bool

Returns whether the connection should be kept alive.

Keep alive algorithm

A connection is always kept alive:

The combination of the above means that most protocols will not need to override this method. This method is only invoked when all of the above are false, i.e. when the connection is entirely idle.

  • Protocols like circuit-relay v2 need to keep a connection alive beyond these circumstances and can thus override this method.
  • Protocols like ping don’t want to keep a connection alive despite an active streams. In that case, protocol authors can use Stream::ignore_for_keep_alive to opt-out a particular stream from the keep-alive algorithm.

fn poll_close(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::ToBehaviour>>

Gracefully close the ConnectionHandler.

The contract for this function is equivalent to a Stream. When a connection is being shut down, we will first poll this function to completion. Following that, the physical connection will be shut down.

This is also called when the shutdown was initiated due to an error on the connection. We therefore cannot guarantee that performing IO within here will succeed.

To signal completion, [Poll::Ready(None)] should be returned.

Implementations MUST have a fuse-like behaviour. That is, [Poll::Ready(None)] MUST be returned on repeated calls to ConnectionHandler::poll_close.


fn map_in_event<TNewIn, TMap>(self, map: TMap) -> MapInEvent<Self, TNewIn, TMap>
where Self: Sized, TMap: Fn(&TNewIn) -> Option<&Self::FromBehaviour>,

Adds a closure that turns the input event into something else.


fn map_out_event<TMap, TNewOut>(self, map: TMap) -> MapOutEvent<Self, TMap>
where Self: Sized, TMap: FnMut(Self::ToBehaviour) -> TNewOut,

Adds a closure that turns the output event into something else.


fn select<TProto2>( self, other: TProto2 ) -> ConnectionHandlerSelect<Self, TProto2>
where Self: Sized,

Creates a new ConnectionHandler that selects either this handler or other by delegating methods calls appropriately.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<L, R> ConnectionHandler for Either<L, R>

Implementation of a ConnectionHandler that represents either of two ConnectionHandler implementations.



impl ConnectionHandler for ConnectionHandler


impl ConnectionHandler for PendingConnectionHandler


impl<K, H> ConnectionHandler for MultiHandler<K, H>


impl<TConnectionHandler, TMap, TNewIn> ConnectionHandler for MapInEvent<TConnectionHandler, TNewIn, TMap>
where TConnectionHandler: ConnectionHandler, TMap: Fn(TNewIn) -> Option<TConnectionHandler::FromBehaviour> + Send + 'static, TNewIn: Debug + Send + 'static,


type FromBehaviour = TNewIn


type ToBehaviour = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::ToBehaviour


type InboundProtocol = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::InboundProtocol


type OutboundProtocol = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::OutboundProtocol


type InboundOpenInfo = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::InboundOpenInfo


type OutboundOpenInfo = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::OutboundOpenInfo


impl<TConnectionHandler, TMap, TNewOut> ConnectionHandler for MapOutEvent<TConnectionHandler, TMap>
where TConnectionHandler: ConnectionHandler, TMap: FnMut(TConnectionHandler::ToBehaviour) -> TNewOut + Send + 'static, TNewOut: Debug + Send + 'static,


type FromBehaviour = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::FromBehaviour


type ToBehaviour = TNewOut


type InboundProtocol = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::InboundProtocol


type OutboundProtocol = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::OutboundProtocol


type InboundOpenInfo = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::InboundOpenInfo


type OutboundOpenInfo = <TConnectionHandler as ConnectionHandler>::OutboundOpenInfo


impl<TInbound, TOutbound, TEvent> ConnectionHandler for OneShotHandler<TInbound, TOutbound, TEvent>
where TInbound: InboundUpgradeSend + Send + 'static, TOutbound: Debug + OutboundUpgradeSend, TInbound::Output: Into<TEvent>, TOutbound::Output: Into<TEvent>, TOutbound::Error: Error + Send + 'static, SubstreamProtocol<TInbound, ()>: Clone, TEvent: Debug + Send + 'static,


type FromBehaviour = TOutbound


type ToBehaviour = Result<TEvent, StreamUpgradeError<<TOutbound as OutboundUpgradeSend>::Error>>


type InboundProtocol = TInbound


type OutboundProtocol = TOutbound


type OutboundOpenInfo = ()


type InboundOpenInfo = ()


impl<TInner> ConnectionHandler for ToggleConnectionHandler<TInner>
where TInner: ConnectionHandler,


impl<TProto1, TProto2> ConnectionHandler for ConnectionHandlerSelect<TProto1, TProto2>
where TProto1: ConnectionHandler, TProto2: ConnectionHandler,